3 Tips for DIY Wedding Vows

If you're preparing vows for your wedding, you're probably wondering how you can make them sound nat

3 Tips for DIY Wedding Vows

If you're preparing vows for your wedding, you're probably wondering how you can make them sound natural. It's no accident that many wedding vows end up sounding generic. Sounding genuine during such an important speech in front of so many people is tough. Here are some tips for making your vows sound more natural:

1. Make it poetic, but not cheesy.

Finding inspiration in poetry is important and most certainly helpful when writing vows, but you want to maintain sincerity throughout anything poetic you say.

2. Make sure your words are binding.

All romanticism aside, the purpose of the vows is to verbally bind you to your partner. Make sure that you remember to mention that you're taking your partner as your spouse and you are committing to staying with your partner during your vows.

3. Don't make your vows too long.

Setting yourself up for a long speech is bad in a lot of ways. Not only will you be anxious about remembering all of the words, but you'll likely begin to bore those listening. The more you say, the less genuine each word becomes in many cases. Short and meaningful is always better in my opinion.