How To Make a Budget Wedding Work

In today's economy, with layoffs and budget cuts, it's hard to imagine having an extravagant wedding

How To Make a Budget Wedding Work

In today's economy, with layoffs and budget cuts, it's hard to imagine having an extravagant wedding of years past. So how can you have your dream wedding, without the financial headache?

Having a clear idea of where you want your money to go, saves time and effort in the long run. For example: if you want to splurge on your wedding dress, think about where you can cut back in other areas.

More important than having a budget, is sticking to it! Write down everything you need and want, and plan accordingly. Leaving out a key item might cause a disaster later on, so think everything though now. A budget wedding doesn't have look or feel cheap. Be creative in finding alternatives. One great tip is instead of having a full bar, think of your favorite cocktail and highlight it. Your guests will remember your signature drink for years to come. Think about homemade and reusable items, which can cut down on cost and make your wedding more eco-friendly. Just remember, your wedding is all about creating memories, not a financial crisis!