5 Easy Wedding DIY ideas

What could be simpler (and so inexpensive). Dip a pine cone in coloured paint and use as a place set

diy wedding place holder. What could be simpler (and so inexpensive). Dip a pine cone in coloured paint and use as a place setting holder - colour match the shades to your wedding theme. Via Sortrature.

Think you're not the crafty type? Here are five very simple (and inexpensive) ideas for you to diy for your wedding day. From place holders to wedding favours. What's your favourite?

sweetie wreath If you're having a sweetie table, why not display packets on a wreath or two. To learn how to make one, check out Crazy Little Projects.com

diy tealight holders Make your own lanterns from tin cans - then you can spray paint them any shade you want. Fill with tea lights for your reception. Idea via CraftRiver.com

diy wedding favour boxes Save money by making your own favour boxes. (And you get to choose what paper they're made out of.) You'll find full instructions at CentsibleLife.com

homemade Christmas tree decoration

If you're getting married around Christmas-time, then how about making some DIY Christmas decorations to give as wedding favours. These are easy to make but stunningly effective. Full instructions at ALittleCraftInYourDay.com